I am an amateur photographer, a student of filmmaking, an enthusiastic home cook, and a hiker. Photography is not a simple skill to master; rather, it is shaped by life experiences. I strongly believe that true photographers are formed through their encounters with the world. I resonate with Ansel Adams' words: "We bring to the act of photography all the pictures we have seen, the books we have read, the music we have heard, the people we have loved."
My goal has never been to become a professional photographer. To me, the camera is merely a tool for learning how to perceive the world. Photography itself does not interest me as much as the ability to capture fleeting moments of reality. In photography, reality can be so nuanced that it feels more authentic than life itself. I believe that photography cultivates a habit of seeking truth—yet, paradoxically, the more one is told, the less one truly knows.
Keep being a better photographer, as life is so dramatic.